Do you think you might have ADHD?

ADHD affects approximately 6-9% of all Australians, perhaps you just might.

ADHD man male adult

Or perhaps you’ve already been diagnosed with ADHD, but life is still hard…

Sorry to hear that. I’m here to help.

If you’re worried that you won’t be taken seriously... don't be.

I believe you.

We’ll work through this together.

  • So how does this work?

    Currently in Australia, you need a psychiatrist to diagnose you with ADHD in order to initiate stimulant medication.

    During our sessions, I’ll complete a comprehensive assessment, collate all the info the ADHD psychiatrist will need, and arrange a referral and expedited appointment for you with an ADHD psychiatrist.

    …If you have not had your diagnosis confirmed by a psychiatrist or paediatrician…

    I’d recommend you book 2x 45 minute assessment appointments between 1-4 weeks apart.

    Unless there are issues, 2 visits are usually enough - and I’ll find you an appointment within 3-6 weeks.

    …If you have previously used ADHD stimulant medication, then we’ll need just need a single 45 minute appointment to understand where you’re up to with everything

  • Your initial appointment

    We’ll need a 30 minute appointment to get started. I’ll get to know you, establish if you likely have ADHD & give you some forms to take home.

    Over the next couple of appointments, we’ll go through these forms, and find out a bit more about you. I’ll then arrange your referral to one of my preferred like-minded psychiatrists.

    While that might seem like a few appointments — I promise it won’t seem like much compared to having to see the psychiatrist that many times often over many months, or spending $1500 to $2500+ for formal psychometric testing.

  • So why shouldn’t I just get a quick referral to any psychiatrist?

    Well, sadly, not every psychiatrist likes looking after ADHD patients, or even necessarily knows that much about ADHD. It’s largely the same in the GP space.

    I’ll help you navigate the system so you’ll be taken seriously.

    Most ADHD psychiatrists have huge waiting lists - it can often take anywhere from 6 to 18 months. I’ll try to get you in to see one ASAP. I’ll also make sure that most of the assessment has been done, so the psychiatrist is much less likely to send you away to collect more information or require further expensive assessment.

    I’ll save you a lot of time and money.

  • After Diagnosis

    I’d recommend touching base with me again in the weeks after diagnosis to debrief. There’s often a lot to unpack, and sometimes it’s surprising how much guilt or loss one can sometimes feel after a diagnosis of ADHD. I’ll walk with you through any hard times.

    Living with ADHD is a lifelong endeavour, and the better you understand what that means, your strengths and weaknesses, and why your brain does what it does, the better you’ll be. I’ll help to fill in the blanks, and help you structure your life to make it more ADHD-friendly.

    Medication often helps a lot with ADHD - but often it’s not as simple as just starting and that’s it. I’ll help you adjust, troubleshoot, and then optimise.

After diagnosis

I can continue to manage your ADHD.

I can work with your psychiatrist to monitor, adjust and troubleshoot your medication, renew your scripts, and trial different medication options with you.

Sometimes there’s a period of mourning for lost opportunities. I’ll support you through any of these difficult post-diagnosis transitions.

I’ll teach you what it really means to live with ADHD, and mentor you along the way - I’ll be there to support you along your journey and be there to help if you ever have any questions.

I’ll help you learn how to set up your life to tap into your ADHD strengths, and how to mitigate your weaknesses.

I’ll help you to go from surviving to thriving.

Talk to someone who cares

Dr Chris Soo is one of the Gold Coast’s leading ADHD GPs and is a passionate advocate for people with ADHD and neurodiversity. He has particular expertise in adolescent and adult ADHD.

Chris is also a speaker and educator, presenting at the AADPA conference 2022, and more recently, was a featured speaker at the HealthEd QLD Annual Women’s and Children Update for GPs re: ADHD - the essentials for GPs.

Chris is a full member of AADPA (ADHD professionals Australia), part of the AADPA Education and Training committee, and on the Australian National Council of ADHD GPs. He co-founded the QLD ADHD GP Alliance, and is a member of the RACGP ADHD, ASD and neurodiversity special interest group.

Chris has been supporting people with ADHD for over 20 years and is passionate about supporting people with ADHD on their journey from diagnosis though to mastery.